A day later – I was in Lake Bogoria seeing yet more flamingoes. This is yet another of the rift valley lakes that is just simply beautiful. Graced by the Tugen Hill range its just a marvel to see. Another unexpected find on this trip was the blossoming of the desert rose – Adenium Obesum – which when in bloom is just incredibly beautiful – and very poisonous too. Check out the pictures below!!!!
Further adrift I took a drive up to the Tugen Hills to have a view of the rift valley from above – so to speak. On the way there – drove passed the Perkerra River Gorge which was one moment of wonder – beautiful. See picture below.
To do all the "wild" walking – I adopted the ways of the local guides and bought a pair of the local shoes – made out of recycled tyres (see picture below). Not very comfortable but sure do take the dust. I did miss my timberland boots though…ohh those simple pleasures of good shoes hehehehehhehehe - Enjoy!!!!!!